NGO / Section 8 Company Registration

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NGO / Section 8 Company Registration

A Section 8 Company is a non-profit organization formed to promote social welfare, education, charity, arts, science, religion, or other activities benefiting society. Unlike traditional companies, a Section 8 Company operates without profit motives and enjoys tax exemptions under the Companies Act, 2013.

How It Works (3 Simple Steps)

Connect to an expert

Choose a desirable name for your NGO

Submission & verification of documents

How to Register a Section 8 Company in India (Step-Wise Process)

Step 1

Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN) for the proposed directors.

Step 2

Apply for Name Approval through the RUN (Reserve Unique Name) facility on the MCA portal.

Step 3

Draft the MoA & AoA outlining the objectives and operational guidelines of the NGO.

Step 4

File the SPICe+ Form with required documents, including financial projections and declarations.

Step 5

Receive the Certificate of Incorporation and Section 8 License from the Registrar of Companies (ROC).

Step 6

Apply for PAN, TAN, and 12A/80G Exemptions to avail tax benefits.

Step 7

Open a Bank Account and begin operations legally.

Benefits of NGO / Section 8 Company Registration

Tax Exemptions

Eligible for 12A & 80G exemptions under the Income Tax Act.

Limited Liability

Directors and members have limited liability protection.

Credibility & Recognition

Government-approved status boosts trust among donors & stakeholders.

No Minimum Capital Requirement

No prescribed minimum capital needed for registration.

Perpetual Succession

The company remains operational even after management changes.

Documents Required for Registration

Director’s Documents: PAN, Aadhaar, Passport-size photo, Address Proof
Registered Office Address Proof: Rent Agreement & NOC from the owner or Property Tax Bill
MOA & AOA: Memorandum & Articles of Association outlining the NGO’s mission
Declaration by Directors: Form INC-15 for non-profit commitment

Financial Projections & Activity Plan

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • Expert Assistance: End-to-end support for seamless registration
  • Faster Processing: Minimized delays with accurate documentation
  • Affordable & Transparent Pricing: No hidden costs, only genuine service
  • Legal & Compliance Support: Assistance in tax exemptions, GST filing & audits
  • Dedicated Customer Support: Helping you at every stage of your NGO journey

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