Trademark Registration

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What is Trademark Registration?

Trademark Registration grants exclusive legal ownership of a brand name, logo, or slogan. It protects unauthorized use, ensuring brand recognition and credibility in the market.

How It Works (3 Steps)

‘TM’ Symbol

TM denotes trademark. In India TM is used for an unregistered trademark to promote the brand. One cannot use the symbol R, unless it is registered.

'SM’ Symbol

SM denotes service mark. Symbol for unregistered trademark, particularly used for service, Like TM for goods and SM for service.

‘R’ Symbol

R is used for registered trademark. Registered trademark deter imitators, it also provides you with a benefit of ownership in courts. You are fully protected if you have registered trademark.

How We Conduct Trademark Registration

Prepare and file a trademark application.

Track the status and respond to queries.

Ensure smooth and hassle-free registration.

Benefits of Trademark Registration

Grants exclusive rights to use the trademark.

Protects against brand misuse and infringement.

Enhances brand credibility and market value.

Documents Required

  • Trademark application form.
  • Business registration certificate.
  • Logo or brand name representation.
  • Applicant’s identity proof.

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • Expert handling of trademark applications.
  • Complete legal support from filing to approval.
  • High success rate in securing trademarks.

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