Professional Tax Registration

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What is Professional Tax Registration?

Professional Tax is a state-level tax imposed on individuals earning an income from salary, profession, trade, or employment. Employers must deduct professional tax from employees’ salaries and deposit it with the state government. Additionally, self-employed individuals like freelancers, professionals, and traders must also pay professional tax.
Are you unsure about whether your business needs professional tax registration? If you have employees or are self-employed, getting registered is a legal obligation that ensures compliance with state laws.

How Do We Assist with Professional Tax Registration?

At ASCESA, we streamline the professional tax registration process with a team of experts who understand state-specific regulations. Here’s how we do it:

State-Wise Compliance Check

We verify the professional tax rules applicable to your state, ensuring you comply with local laws.

Document Collection and Verification

Our team helps you gather the required documents, verifying them for accuracy and completeness.

Application Preparation and Filing

We prepare the application form with precise details, minimizing the risk of errors.

Liaison with Authorities

We apply and coordinate with the state tax department to expedite approval.

Post-Registration Support

Once registered, we guide you on the periodic filing of returns and help maintain compliance to avoid penalties.

Benefits of Professional Tax Registration

Legal Compliance

Ensures your business is legally compliant with state tax laws, avoiding penalties and legal issues.

Easy Tax Deduction

Employers can deduct professional tax from employees’ salaries and remit it to the government.

Claim Business Expenses

Registered businesses can claim professional tax as a business expense, reducing overall tax liability.

Enhanced Credibility

Having proper tax registrations enhances your business’s credibility with employees and regulatory authorities.

Avoid Penalties

Timely registration and compliance help avoid hefty fines and penalties.

Documents Required for Professional Tax Registration

Do you need to know the documents required for professional tax registration? Here’s what you’ll need:
  1. PAN Card of the business or proprietor.
  2. Certificate of Incorporation (for companies) or Partnership Deed (for partnerships).
  3. Address Proof of Business Location (Rent Agreement, Electricity Bill, or NOC).
  4. Identity Proof of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors (Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving License, or Voter ID).
  5. Salary Details of employees and the number of employees in the organization.
  6. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for online submission.

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • State-specific expertise to ensure accurate compliance.
  • End-to-end support from registration to periodic filings.
  • Error-Free Documentation for quick approvals.
  • Affordable Pricing with no hidden charges.
  • Dedicated Customer Support for ongoing queries.
Need help with professional tax registration? Reach out to us today!

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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)