Business Commencement Certificate

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Business Commencement Certificate?

A Business Commencement Certificate is a mandatory requirement for private and public limited companies (except those exempted) to begin business operations. As per the Companies Act, businesses must obtain this certificate from the Registrar of Companies (ROC) before commencing commercial activities. This ensures that the company has complied with preliminary legal formalities, making it eligible to operate officially. Our experts at ASCESA, offering the Best Accounting Services in Koramangala, assist in obtaining the certificate smoothly

How does it work?

Filing Declaration

The company must file a declaration in Form INC-20A, confirming the deposit of the required capital.

Verification by ROC

The ROC verifies the details and ensures compliance with applicable laws.

Issuance of Certificate

Upon successful verification, the ROC grants the Business Commencement Certificate, allowing the company to commence operations.

Benefits of Business Commencement Certificate

Legal Compliance

Avoid penalties and legal issues by obtaining the certificate within the prescribed time.

Proof of Business Legitimacy

Acts as proof that the company is legally authorized to conduct business activities.

Facilitates Banking Transactions

Essential for opening a business bank account and conducting financial transactions.

Enhances Business Credibility

Builds trust among investors, stakeholders, and clients by demonstrating compliance with corporate laws.

Avoids Heavy Penalties

Failure to obtain the certificate can lead to financial penalties and restrictions on business operations.

Documents Required

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Company’s PAN Card
  • Bank Statement showing paid-up capital deposit
  • Board Resolution for Business Commencement
  • Form INC-20A

Why Choose ASCESA for Best Accounting Services in Koramangala?

  • Expert Guidance – Assistance in selecting the right auditor.
  • End-to-End Compliance – Complete documentation and ROC filing.
  • Timely & Hassle-Free – Quick processing to avoid penalties.
  • Affordable & transparent – There are no hidden costs, just reliable service.
  • Personalized Support – Tailored solutions for your business needs.

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