EPF Monthly Return Filing

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What Is EPF Monthly Return Filing?

EPF (Employee Provident Fund) Monthly Return Filing is a statutory requirement for businesses with employees registered under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Employers must contribute to the EPF fund and file monthly returns to ensure compliance with labor laws and secure employees’ retirement benefits.

How does it work?

EPF Contribution Payment

Employer and employee contributions are deposited into the EPF account by the 15th of each month.

Monthly Return Filing

File EPF returns via the Unified Portal, detailing contributions and employee details.

Employee UAN Updates

Ensure employee details are correctly linked with the Universal Account Number (UAN) for seamless fund management.

Benefits Of EPF Monthly Return Filing

Ensures Legal Compliance

Prevents penalties by adhering to EPFO regulations.

Employee Benefits & Security

Helps employees build retirement savings.

Tax Benefits for Employers & Employees

Contributions are tax-exempt under income tax laws.

Smooth Payroll Processing

Ensures timely deductions and deposits, avoiding discrepancies.

Enhances Employee Satisfaction

Provides employees with long-term financial security.

Documents Required

  • EPF Registration Certificate
  • Employer’s and Employees’ UAN details
  • Salary Records & Contribution Details
  • Bank Statements of EPF Payments
  • Previous EPF Return (if applicable)

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • End-to-End Compliance – Complete EPF return filing support.
  • Timely Submissions – Avoid penalties with on-time filings.
  • Accurate Record-Keeping – Maintain precise EPF records.
  • Dedicated Assistance – Personalized support for EPF compliance.
  • Affordable & Transparent – Cost-effective services

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