MSME Registration

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What is MSME Registration?

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) registration, also known as Udyam Registration, is a government initiative aimed at promoting and supporting small businesses in India. Under the MSME Development Act, businesses can avail themselves of various benefits such as easy loans, tax subsidies, and government tenders by registering as an MSME. This registration is crucial for startups and small enterprises looking to grow with government support and incentives.
Are you a small business owner looking for government schemes and financial support? MSME registration can provide your business with the required boost and recognition.

How Do We Assist with MSME Registration?

At ASCESA, we simplify the MSME registration process, ensuring your business gains maximum benefits. Here’s how we do it:

Eligibility Check

We assess your business category (Micro, Small, or Medium) as per the latest investment and turnover guidelines.

Document Collection and Verification

We collect the necessary documents and verify them for accuracy.

Application Preparation and Filing

Our team prepares the online application with accurate details to ensure approval.

Coordination with Authorities

We handle communication with government authorities for faster processing.

Digital Certificate Issuance

Once approved, the MSME certificate is issued digitally, and we guide you on its usage.

Benefits of MSME Registration

Easy Access to Credit

Avail collateral-free loans with low-interest rates under various government schemes.

Tax Benefits and Subsidies

Enjoy tax exemptions, capital subsidies, and reimbursement of ISO certification expenses.

Government Tenders and Schemes

Preference in government tenders and state eligibility and central government schemes.

Protection Against Delayed Payments

Legal protection against delayed payments from buyers under the MSME Act.

Concession on Electricity Bills

Avail concessions on electricity bills for registered MSMEs.

Business Growth and Recognition

Enhances business credibility and provides a platform for growth.

Documents Required for MSME Registration

Curious about the documents needed for MSME registration? Here’s the list:
  1. Aadhar Card of the business owner.
  2. PAN Card of the business owner or entity.
  3. Business Address Proof (Rent Agreement, Electricity Bill, or NOC).
  4. Certificate of Incorporation (for companies) or Partnership Deed (for partnerships).
  5. Bank Details including account number and IFSC code.
  6. Investment and Turnover Details to determine the business category (Micro, Small, or Medium).

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • Expert Guidance on eligibility and category selection.
  • Accurate Documentation for quicker approval.
  • Transparent Pricing with no hidden charges.
  • End-to-end support from application to certificate issuance.
  • Ongoing Assistance for government schemes and benefits.
Want to boost your business growth with MSME registration? Get in touch with us today!

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