Partnership Registration

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Partnership Firm Registration In Bangalore

A Partnership firm is a business structure where two or more individuals come together to manage and operate a business based on an agreed profit-sharing ratio. Governed by the Indian Partnership Act, of 1932, this business model is ideal for small to medium-sized enterprises that seek flexibility and ease of compliance with Partnership Firm Registration in Bangalore.

How does it work?

Reach out to our experts

Our business experts can resolve all your doubts and provide all the required information.

Get your first draft

Out team will submit the first partnership deed draft in just 4 days.

Free iterations

In case of any changes, reach out to us. We provide two free rounds of iterations.

How to Register a Partnership in India (Step-wise)

Step 1: Decide on a business name and draft the Partnership Deed

Step 2: Ensure the deed includes all essential clauses like capital contribution, profit/loss sharing, and dissolution.

Step 3: Notarize the deed and submit it to the Registrar of Firms.

Step 4: Pay the required registration fees and collect the Certificate of Registration.

Step 5: Obtain a PAN for the firm and register for GST, if required.

Benefits with Partnership Firm Registration in Bangalore.

Easy Formation

Simple process with minimal legal formalities.

Lower Compliance

Fewer regulatory requirements compared to corporations.

Shared Responsibility

Workload and risks are distributed among partners.


Quick decision-making with no stringent regulatory restrictions.

Documents Required

  • Partnership Deed
  • PAN cards and Aadhaar cards of partners
  • Proof of business address (Utility bill/Rental agreement)
  • Bank statement or canceled cheque
  • Passport-sized photographs

Why Choose ASCESA for Partnership Firm Registration in Bangalore.?

  • End-to-end assistance in Partnership Registration.
  • Expert legal support for seamless compliance.
  • Quick processing and hassle-free documentation.
  • Affordable and transparent pricing.

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