Private Limited Company Registration

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Private Limited Company Registration in Bangalore

A Private Limited Company Registration in Bangalore is a popular choice for businesses. It offers a separate legal identity and limited liability protection. This structure allows easy fundraising from investors for business growth. A company must have at least two directors and shareholders. The maximum limit for shareholders is restricted to 200 members. Registering ensures legal credibility and structured management. It also provides better financial opportunities for expansion.

How does it work?

Step 1

We help you register your directors with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Step 2

We help you pick the right company name.

Step 3

We draft and file the documents required for your company registration (MoA and AoA).

How Private Limited Company Registration Works?

Step 1: Documentation & Preparation
Gather the necessary documents, including identity and address proof of directors, and digital signatures for online filing.
Step 2: Name Reservation & Incorporation Filing

Select a unique company name through the RUN (Reserve Unique Name) application and file the SPICe+ form for incorporation with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Step 3: Certificate of Incorporation & Compliance
Once approved, you will receive a Certificate of Incorporation (COI) along with PAN, TAN, and other registrations, ensuring your business is legally operational.

How to Register a Company in India? (Step-by-Step Process)

Step 1: Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Step 2: Apply for Director Identification Number (DIN)

Step 3: Name Reservation (RUN Application)

Step 4: Draft Memorandum & Articles of Association (MoA & AoA)

Step 5: File SPICe+ (INC-32) Form

Step 6: Payment of Registration Fees & Stamp Duty

Step 7: Certificate of Incorporation (COI) Issuance

Step 8: Apply for PAN & TAN

Step 9: Open a Business Bank Account

Step 10: GST Registration & Post-Incorporation Compliance

Benefits of Private Limited Company Registration

Limited Liability Protection

Shareholders' assets remain safe, as liability is limited to their shares.

Separate Legal Entity

The company has an independent identity, enabling legal security and credibility.

Easy Fundraising

Pvt Ltd companies attract investors, venture capitalists, and banks for funding.

Perpetual Existence

The company continues to exist even if shareholders or directors change.

Tax Benefits

Pvt Ltd companies can avail of corporate tax benefits and deductions.

Global Expansion Opportunities

Registered companies can enter international markets and establish business collaborations.

Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration

For Directors & Shareholders
  • PAN Card of all directors & shareholders
  • Aadhaar Card or any Government-issued ID
  • Passport (for foreign nationals or NRIs)
  • Latest Passport-sized Photograph
  • Mobile Number & Email ID
For Registered Office Address
  • Electricity Bill/Water Bill/Rent Agreement of office premises.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the property owner

Why ASCESA for Private Limited Company Registration in Bangalore?

At ASCESA, we simplify Private Limited Company Registration in Bangalore with expert support. We ensure smooth compliance with all government regulations. Our team handles everything from documentation to post-incorporation needs. We provide end-to-end assistance for a hassle-free registration process.

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