TDS Monthly Payment & Quarterly Return Filing

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TDS Monthly Payment & Quarterly Return Filing

TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) Monthly Payment & Quarterly Return Filing is a mandatory compliance requirement for businesses deducting TDS on payments such as salaries, professional fees, rent, and contractor payments. Businesses must deposit the deducted tax monthly and file quarterly returns with the Income Tax Department to ensure compliance and prevent penalties. Our expert tax advisors in Koramangala assist in seamless TDS payment and filing to keep your business compliant.

How does it work with tax Advisors in Koramangala?

TDS Deduction & Payment

Deduct TDS at the applicable rate and deposit it with the government by the 7th of the following month.

Quarterly Return Filing

File TDS returns (Forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q) every quarter to report deductions and payments.

Issuance of TDS Certificates

Provide TDS certificates (Form 16, 16A) to deductees as proof of tax deduction.

Benefits Of TDS Monthly Payment & Quarterly Return Filing

Avoids Penalties & Legal Issues

Timely TDS payments and filings prevent late fees and penalties.

Ensures Tax Compliance

Helps businesses stay compliant with income tax laws and regulations.

Builds Credibility

Proper TDS compliance enhances trust among employees, vendors, and tax authorities.

Reduces Tax Liabilities

Proper TDS deductions help businesses manage tax obligations efficiently.

Simplifies Payroll Processing

Ensures accurate salary processing with correct tax deductions.

Documents Required

  • TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number)
  • PAN details of deductor and deductees
  • Challans for TDS payments
  • Salary and payment records
  • Previous TDS returns (if applicable)

Why Choose ASCESA for Tax Advisors in Koramangala?

  • Complete TDS Management – From deduction to return filing.
  • Timely Filings – Ensures no delays or penalties.
  • Accuracy & Compliance – Avoids errors in tax deductions.
  • End-to-End Support – Hassle-free process handled by experts.
  • Affordable & Reliable – Cost-effective TDS solutions for businesses.

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