Trademark Renewal

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What is Trademark Renewal?

A registered trademark is valid for 10 years and must be renewed to maintain legal protection. Renewal prevents loss of exclusive rights and ensures continued brand security.

How It Works (3 Steps)

Expert Review

Get in touch with our experts and resolve all your queries. Our team of experts will analyse all the presented documents.

Form Submission

After reviewing all the documents our experts will submit the required forms on your behalf

Transaction Tracking

The experts at ASCESA will keep you updated regarding the trademark renewal process.

How We Conduct Trademark Renewal

Timely reminders before expiration.

Hassle-free application processing.

Assistance in case of late renewals.

Benefits of Responding to Trademark Renewal

Prevents loss of brand protection.

Ensures continuous legal ownership.

Avoids penalties for delayed renewal.

Documents Required

  • Previous trademark registration certificate.
  • Business registration details.
  • Renewal application form.

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • On-time renewal processing.
  • Expert legal support.
  • Quick and seamless procedure.

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(10am - 05 pm)