Trademark Search

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What is Trademark Search?

A Trademark Search is the first step in the trademark registration process. It helps determine whether a proposed brand name, logo, or slogan is unique and legally available for registration. Conducting a thorough search helps in avoiding potential conflicts and legal disputes.

How It Works (3 Steps)

Search for Trademark

Check name availability for your brand with our database.

Talk to our Live Experts

Instantly connect with our trademark experts and reserve your brand name.

Trademark Registered

Get your Trademark registered with ASCESA

How We Conduct Trademark Search

Step 1: Extensive database search covering registered and pending trademarks.

Step 2: Detailed report on potential conflicts.

Step 3: Expert recommendations on the registrability of your trademark.

Benefits of Trademark Search

Avoids legal conflicts and rebranding costs.

Ensures a strong and legally protected brand identity.

Reduces chances of rejection during registration.

Documents Required

  • Proposed brand name, logo, or slogan.
  • Business registration details.
  • Applicant’s identity proof.

Why Choose ASCESA?

  • Comprehensive and accurate trademark search reports.
  • Expert guidance on trademark registration.
  • Quick and efficient search process.

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(10am - 05 pm)